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Showroom visits trigger more stress than job interviews, research shows

workplace stress

A study measuring the impact buying a car can have on stress levels has revealed that it causes more anxiety than job interviews.

The experiment, carried out on behalf of, measured people’s cortisol levels (the stress hormone) while in three different, stressful situations: visiting a car dealership, watching a football team play an important match, and doing a new business presentation.

The results found that those who visited the car dealership showed stress at more than double the average recommended level.

Further research reveals more than a third (37%) of UK drivers claim buying a car to be more than or just as stressful as being stuck a lift, 44% said it was equally as stressful than interviewing for a job, moving to a new house (42%) or even planning a wedding (36%).’s motoring editor, Amanda Stretton, said: “The thought of having to walk into a car dealership and negotiate is enough to put the most experienced haggler on pins. Many of us let confusing jargon and our nerves get the better of us, meaning we walk away with a bad deal.”

Confused has said that this pressure can lead to buyers “making decisions they regret” as more than three in 10 (31%) motorists have bought their current car using a finance option, of which more than half (51%) committed to a car finance contract.

Nearly one in five (18%) car buyers now also admit they do not fully understand the deal they got.

“The key is preparation. Getting your finance secured beforehand by comparing plans online can put you in a better position when it comes to negotiating,” said Stretton.

Scenarios that UK drivers find stressful, in comparison to buying a car


% that find buying a car more or as stressful

Going to the dentist


Getting stuck in a traffic jam


Being late for work


Losing my phone


Doing an important presentation at work


A job interview


Getting stuck in a lift


Planning a wedding


Moving house



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